Cat-friendly restaurant or Cat café interior design | MYZOO

The world's first cat café is the "Cat Garden" opened in Taipei, Taiwan in 1998 and has become popular with tourists from all over the world!

Here's a case of another client in Taiwan, the café owner would like to build an area for cats to let them rest and play during their human having a great meal there. 

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A real cat-friendly restaurant not only let customers bring their cat inside but have an area for cats to play when their breeders are having the meal. Just like there’s indoor play area at McDonald’s for children, so that parents can spend less time on looking after their children and enjoy their time there.

If you are running a cat-friendly restaurant or planning to run, let’s build a cat area by mounting some cat furniture like cat shelves, steps or beds on the wall!

Suitable For All Age Cats

There will be various cats sharing the same area, the cat wall should be designed for all kind cats, ensure every cat could use and enjoy the cat wall.

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Multiple Lanes

The space is for multiple cats, so it’s essential to include multiple lanes on cat superhighway, adding lanes allows traffic to flow efficiency and gives cats more options for exploring the space.

*Busycat would be a wise choice here

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Rest Spots

Placing a cat bed on the top let cats can rest when they feel tired, small perches placed along the path also provide little rest spots where cats can stop and take in the sights.


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Contact Myzoo for a free consultation if you'd like to build a cat wall.

Product: Busycat 7 pcs, Gamma 1 pcs, Cylinder 2 pcs, Lack 3 pcs


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